Friday, February 13, 2015

Becket (1964): O'Toole and Burton in Historical Drama

This was a thoroughly enjoyable film, albeit one I'll probably not remember in a month.  It's a well-done historical drama with world-class actors.  The story is based on a true story, I'm sure, and not completely accurate.  I feel like there was a point where I cared if a film was historically accurate, but now I really do not care at all.  It's so much easier that way, because I'm not aware of a film 100 percent accurate anyway.

This is my second Peter O'Toole vehicle and he's perfunctory.  A few moments, he went a little more over-the-top than I liked, but his role kind of called for the showy, blustering performance that he gave.  A king in the 11th century is one of the few roles where I can be like "Yeah this dude probably acted as entitled and arrogant as the actor portraying him."

Oddly enough, Richard Burton was something I had not yet experienced.  It's sort of unbelievable I haven't watch a movie of his yet.  He does not disappoint.  I was under the impression - I wouldn't say I didn't think he was a good actor - but I wasn't exactly having high hopes if you know what I mean.  Well, he's good enough in this that I will seek out his other movies.

The director himself, Peter Glenville, was a formerly stage director who moved to the stage.  According to IMDB, this appears to be his best movie and if the ratings are to believed, his last good one.  Again, I liked this movie enough to where I will seek out his past movies.  If nothing else, Becket has given me a shit ton of other movies to watch (not that I need to find more with the "Great Movies" by Ebert, Oscar winners, and Criterion providing a wealth of options.)

Note: the grade I give somewhat seems at odds with what I wrote, but for some reason this movie seemed more "by-the-numbers."  Everyone did everything right - a few melodramatic scenes at the end excepted - and yet I don't know if I will want to watch this again. (Which to be fair, is the case with most movies)

3/4 stars

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